
Who we are
We are a non-profit organization NaZemi based in the Czech Republic.
We believe that every person in the world has the right to live and work in decent conditions. We focus on the connection of our consumer behaviour with problems in developing countries and we motivate individuals, companies and countries to accept responsibility for these issues.
We promote global development education in schools, advocate for corporate accountability in the supply chains and promote fair trade as an effective way how to support poor farmers and artisans from global South.
We have worked with
Banana Link, FTAO, Fairtrade Foundation, Fairtrade International

Quiénes somos
Somos NaZemi, una organización sin fines de lucro con sede en la República Checa.
Hemos trabajado con
Intermón Oxfam, COLSIBA

Wer wir sind
Wir arbeiten u.a. mit:
Südwind, Inkota, Christliche Initiative Romero, Banafair, Stadt Dortmund, Stadt Wels