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Manuál k dílně obsahuje metodiku a podkladové informace s daty aktualizovanými k roku 2013.
Coca-colonization. On multinationals (not only) in countries of global South Teachers' manual for two hours long workshop for the youth 14+ enables to explore the power inequality between multinational corporations and countries and its people on the example of Coca-Cola and the struggle of local people in India and Colombia. Participants search for the ethical choices we have. The workshop is part of the serie “The World in the Shopping Cart”. The purpose of this educational series is to draw attention to the relationship between our consumer behaviour and seemingly unapproachable problems in the countries of the so-called “Global South”. This educational programme was developed by Czech NGO NaZemi in year 2009 and the information background was updated in year 2012.
Teachers' manual for two hours long workshop for the youth 14+ enables to explore the question of the interconnectednes of the consumption patterns and the impacts of rainforest felling on (not just) local people using the case studies of soya production, bauxite and wood extraction. The workshop is part of the serie “The World in the Shopping Cart”. The purpose of this educational series is to draw attention to the relationship between our consumer behaviour and seemingly unapproachable problems in the countries of the so-called “Global South”. This educational programme was developed by Czech NGO NaZemi in year 2009 and the information background was updated in year 2012.
Teachers' manual for two hours long workshop for the youth 14+ enables to explore the issue of situation of small coffee producers and presents the principles of Fair Trade. The workshop is part of the serie “The World in the Shopping Cart”. The purpose of this educational series is to draw attention to the relationship between our consumer behaviour and seemingly unapproachable problems in the countries of the so-called “Global South”. This educational programme was developed by Czech NGO NaZemi in year 2009 and the information background was updated in year 2012.
Teachers' manual for two hours long workshop for the youth 14+ enables to explore the issue of unequal distribution of water in the World and the concept of virtual water. The participants try to work out together when crises resulting from the lack of water are instigated by its physical absence and when by its unjust distribution and how we are connected with that via products and foodstuffs that we commonly consume The workshop is part of the serie “The World in the Shopping Cart”. The purpose of this educational series is to draw attention to the relationship between our consumer behaviour and seemingly unapproachable problems in the countries of the so-called “Global South”. This educational programme was developed by Czech NGO NaZemi in year 2009 and the information background was updated in year 2012.
Teachers' manual for two hours long workshop for the youth 13+ enables to explore the issue of child labour connected with the production of cocoa to their students (age 13+) in the form of 2hours long workshop. The workshop is part of the serie “The World in the Shopping Cart”. The purpose of this educational series is to draw attention to the relationship between our consumer behaviour and seemingly unapproachable problems in the countries of the so-called “Global South”. This educational programme was developed by Czech NGO NaZemi in year 2009 and the information background was updated in year 2012.
Manuál k dílně obsahuje metodiku a podkladové informace s daty aktualizovanými k roku 2013.