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Máme vás rádi, a tak tu pro vás shromažďujeme všemožné studie, letáky, aktivity, tiskové zprávy i newslettery. A všechno si můžete stáhnout!
Metodický list z dílny NaZemi na jednu vyučovací hodinu k pěstování a fair trade. Dokumentární film k metodice je dostupný na Youtube kanále NaZemi (
Učíte na prvním stupni? Využijte příběh a dramatizaci pro rozvoj životních kompetencí dětí a prohloubení jejich zájmu o jiné lidi a společné problémy! Seznámit se s Global Storylines můžete na semináři 1. až 3. května v příjemné prostředí pracoviště Lipka - Jezírko, poblíž lesů brněnských Soběšic.
In this chapter you will find worksheets for five documentaries, which couldn‘t be included in the English version of this resource book due to copyright issues. Story of Stuff is accesible on-line, the rest of the movies you can purchase from the publisher.
Learning and becoming aware of problems and the complexity of the world could lead to a state of global depression and apathy if we do not also hear about some encouraging cases of cooperation and successful efforts of people to change things for the better – in our circle of people or in the world generally. Such good news serves as inspiration to look for a domain of our own influence and possibilities of changing the current situation that we consider unjust toward people or nature.
Lessons in this chapter offer inspiration for learning about oneself. They help find answers to what shapes, conditions and influences our perception and experiences, or what relativizes our perceptions of others and the world. Students ask themselves these questions more often than usual: How do I feel or experience this? Why do I think this? What influences me? etc.